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Teams Advancing Women in Agriculture recently partnered with a Canadian based charity, Women Helping Women Canada, in its drive to improve socio-economic status of vulnerable women and girls in rural Malawi. Through its Strengthening Agricultural Livelihoods for Girls Education (SALGE) program, WHW will support over 100 women to access improved agricultural extension services, enhance collective leadership capacity, and increase household income and nutrition status.The project will keep 40 girls in school who otherwise would have no means of education support. Learn about the magic of soybean value addition.  More on www.womenhelpingwomen.ca


Rural Girls’ Education for economic justice

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There are more compelling revelations are that sustainable global economic development will only be realized if girls are brought into the equation. Anne Firth Murray and many others note that girls education is not just a matter of economic policy but also a human rights issue. Thus, the Girl Inspire Initiative for Teams Advancing Women in Agriculture which aims to improve rural girls’ education is premised on this.

The project’s two outputs are (i) increased capacity of vulnerable and marginalized rural girls to attain secondary education and (ii) community structures actively and constructively engaged in education governance and management. The two year project targets schools in Dowa, Lilongwe Rural, Ntchisi and Mzimba.