Improving learning conditions of 160 children at the Chikamwa Childcare Centre.

Mothers in rural Malawi bear the burdens of keeping the household functioning, caring for the children, engaging in productive economic activities where possible and caring for the family elderly. When a mother has very young children and when that mother is young and inexperienced herself the burdens of life in rural Malawi are tremendous and compromise her ability to provide a stimulating, safe and happy environment for her children.  

The Early Start Project aims to improve the capacity of the Chikamwa Childcare Centre to provide relief for these mothers as well as a stimulating and positive learning and playing experience for the children. Childcare facilities are rare in rural Malawi.

TAWINA’s ECD Project is designed to improve and expand the basic services currently provided by the Chikamwa Childcare Centre by:

∙         providing learning and playing facilities and toys,

∙         training childcare providers,

∙         building a permanent school/centre building,

∙         building permanent playing facilities.

The project was launched as part of the 2015 Global Youth Service Day commemorations organized by TAWINA.


With your help, we hope to build a school block and permanent playing facilities.

We have constructed temporary playing structures with support from Rotary Club of Lilongwe. 

In June 2016, we distributed books and toys, courtesy of Rotary Club of Burnside and Kidman Park Anglican Church (South Australia).